Start your fitness journey today.

About Me

My love for fitness started over 4 years ago. I  was a total beginner to the gym.  Walking through those doors, it took me 6 months to go near the weights section because I was so nervous.  The best decision I ever made was going for it and taking the plunge.  It literally changed my life.  I quickly fell in love and watched all my daily habits change for the better.  I fell in love with how it changed my mindset most importantly. 

I am so passionate to help other beautiful women see the benefits of eating to fuel your body and training to feel amazing.

I know what its like to be 'stuck'.  Wanting change but just unsure of where to start.  That is why I have created a style of coaching that allows you to enjoy your life, eat the foods you like while getting progress.

I want to help and educate as many women as I can to create these lifestyle changes.

Going through many different phases and unhealthy habits with food, having restricted myself for years, saying no to social events, then turning to binge eating, to now, having a balanced lifestyle, eating chocolate every day, not restricting any food and training because I love it and fuelling my body correctly, while having a social life.

My passion to help others make this lifestyle change is what drives me every single day to be the best coach for you.

'Empowered women, empower women'

  • I honestly can't thank you enough Danielle, I was feeling so stuck and unhappy 5 weeks ago because nothing was working for me and I was just constantly eating crap!
    the last 5 weeks have been amazing, I feel like I'm not even on a diet. I'm watching what I'm eating, and loving working out.  Honestly never felt so happy and my confidence is really coming back!

  • Its the most maintainable plan ever, I actually love it!!!  There is just so much options on it and can mix and match to suit what I want!!  Don't even feel like a I'm on a diet because I can literally have whatever I want on it! Don't feel like Im missing out at all!!

  • Hi Danielle, feeling so emotional today.  Firstly thank you so so much.  You promised you'd get me back to how I felt with my confidence, to help me become fitter and more toned and you did ALL of the above.  the amount of comments I got over the weekend about how great I looked!

Get in touch and start your fitness journey today.